Greens refer Liberal election signs to AFP

The Greens have today referred the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party to the AFP over signs used at Victorian polling places during the federal election in May this year.

“The Liberals have admitted in the Federal Court this week that their signs were intended to convey the impression that they were from the Australian Electoral Commission,”  Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim said.
“This is a clear admission that they were trying to impersonate a Commonwealth body, which appears to be a crime under laws that the Liberals themselves introduced last year.”
“They have been exposed and it is time they were held to account.”
Greens Democracy spokesperson Larissa Waters said:

“If you’ve got to lie to the public to get votes, you don’t deserve to be in government. The AFP should investigate these frauds.”

“People want their democracy back and they deserve to be told the truth by those seeking their votes.”

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