WA gas industry is a colossal, national climate bomb: Greens

The Australian Government’s push for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a low-emissions fossil fuel has been exposed with a new report finding no evidence LNG  is any ‘cleaner’ than coal.
The Conservation Council of Western Australia’s Clean State report states an international review of LNG infrastructure found the threat to the climate from LNG is ‘as large or larger than coal’ when levels of methane emissions are included.
Greens co-deputy leader and spokesperson on mining and resources, Senator Larissa Waters, said the expansion of the West Australian LNG industry was a massive climate bomb and the primary driver of recent national emissions growth.
“LNG is as much a ‘clean gas’ as tobacco is a ‘health product’, and the tactics of denial, influence and misinformation are disturbingly similar,” she said today.
“The Coalition is out spruiking LNG as a ‘clean gas’ when the evidence shows WA LNG facilities pump out more carbon pollution than the state’s oldest coal-fired power stations.
“The report released today tells us emissions from WA’s gas infrastructure have become Australia’s fastest-growing pollution source and places our Paris Agreement commitments at risk.
“It comes the days after an unprecedented statement from 11,000 scientists warning of “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” if the world does not take action including leaving fossil fuels in the ground.
“The Greens have also backed communities concerned about the risk from the gas industry with a bill since 2011 to allow landholders to say no to gas and to ban fracking.
“Despite the appalling lack of planning for the climate emergency, Australia is in the fortunate position of having abundant, low-cost renewable energy resources ready to power our economy and society.
“New large-scale renewable infrastructure is now ready to displace both coal and gas. Our economy is in the doldrums and nation-building projects in renewable energy can deliver the rapid de-carbonisation needed while creating new jobs, boosting regional economies and investing in coal-affected communities.
“Political donations are the major brake on a cleaner, renewable-powered future for Australia. We have the technology, the know-how and the majority of the community is ready for change,” Senator Waters said.

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