Aspiring and existing business owners in the City of Sydney can now access a NSW Government one-stop shop Business Concierge service, potentially saving them time and money when starting or expanding a café, restaurant or small bar.
Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello congratulated the City of Sydney for coming on board, saying Service NSW puts business owners first by bringing up to 48 forms from across 15 agencies under the one roof.
“Small business is the engine room of the economy which is why Service NSW has transformed from being a one-stop shop for individual customers to also being a one-stop shop for business customers,” Mr Dominello said.
“We know that starting or growing a business can be complicated and stressful, and this online service brings everything together in one convenient location.”
Minister for Finance and Small Business Damien Tudehope said the service is all about making government easier for business owners to navigate from applying for a liquor or outdoor dining licence, to complying with food safety standards.
“The measure of success is simple. Less time spent dealing with government means more time spent developing your business and faster commencement of operations,” Mr Tudehope said.
Lord Mayor Clover Moore said: “We’re pleased to work with the NSW Government on this initiative, which is another way we’re helping our 20,000 small businesses get on with their important work contributing to the diversity, vitality and economic dynamism of our great city.”
The service includes personalised over the phone support from the Business Concierge team and a digital platform which outlines the regulations and licences needed to start a small business across a range of sectors. It has already helped 5000 customers start or grow their business, with owners of cafes, restaurants and small bars saving up to 86 hours of effort, while slashing the time it takes to start a small bar by almost six months.
The City of Sydney is one of more than 100 Councils to join the service. The service is delivered by Service NSW in partnership with the NSW Small Business Commission. For more information visit

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