NSW and Queensland burn as Morrison fails to get climate crisis under control

Greens spokesperson for the climate crisis, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to the bushfires burning across NSW and QLD, saying Scott Morrison bears some responsibility and must apologise to the communities impacted.
“We’re deeply saddened by the loss of life and our hearts go out to all the families and communities impacted, as well as the firefighters tackling these terrifying scenes,” said Mr Bandt.
“But words and concern are not enough. Unless we lead a global effort to quit coal and cut pollution, apocalyptic scenes like these will not only continue but get worse in the years to come.
“Just this week former fire chiefs warned the PM on national television that the climate crisis was making catastrophic bushfire risk worse and that Australia was unprepared.
“Scott Morrison has not got the climate crisis under control.
“It isn’t even summer yet and already firefighters are running out of adjectives to describe these fires.
“Bushfire seasons are longer, the country is drier and fires are worse.
“Scott Morrison needs to apologise to the Australian people for putting their towns and lives at risk by making global warming worse.
“Let me be clear. I’m not saying the Prime Minister is directly responsible for the fires and the loss of life, but he has contributed to making it more likely that these kinds of tragedies will occur.”

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