The strongest protections for the State’s farmers and farming families will be enshrined in law after the NSW Liberals & Nationals today passed the historic Right to Farm Bill through State Parliament.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro and Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall today announced that the historic Right to Farm Bill had passed both houses.
“Regional NSW is experiencing extremely trying times – suffering through this devastating drought and battling ferocious bushfires – the absolute last thing our farmers need is the threat of trespassers and expensive legal disputes,” Mr Barilaro said.
Mr Marshall said he was delighted the Bill has passed both houses, despite Labor refusing to support the Bill at any stage.
“This is an historic day for our State’s farmers, introducing the toughest penalties in the nation for farm trespass and providing farmers with a nuisance shield to protect them from unnecessary and costly legal disputes,” Mr Marshall said.
“We are the first jurisdiction in Australia to enshrine in law a farmers’ right to farm their land and have rigorous protection from the threat of illegal farm incursions.
“If a farmer is undertaking lawful agricultural activities, they will have the full protection of the law in NSW against farm invasions, intimidation and interference in their farming operations.”
Under the Bill, penalties for aggravated farm trespass will increase from fines of up to $5,500, to three years jail time and up to $22,000 in fines.
“Farmers are under siege across our State – they are battling drought and fires right now. They do not have the time and do not deserve to also be faced with a battle against illegal trespassers driven by lunatic ideology,” Mr Marshall said.
“Farmers have waited for years for legislated protections – and I am proud to be the Minister for Agriculture that has worked with our stakeholders, including NSW Farmers and the cross-bench, to finally deliver the protections they deserve.
“Today, Labor again refused to vote for the Bill at the final step and voted against it in the Lower and Upper House.
“Not only is this letting our farmers down at a time when they need their parliamentarians to have their back most, it’s clear that Labor have no policy and no direction. They quite literally appear to have no idea what they stand for when it comes to agriculture.
“By not voting for the Right to Farm Bill, Labor has shown where its true loyalties lie, with law-breaking activists – not hard-working farming families battling drought.
“Their refusal to support the Bill is an act of treachery against country NSW and for that they stand rightly condemned.”
The Right to Farm Bill delivers on a key election commitment by the NSW Nationals in Government.
The new penalties will be in force in by 2020.

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