New Measures Delivering Deregulation for Australian Business

Making it easier to export more Australian food and agriculture, streamlining project approval processes, helping small businesses employ more Australians and creating a one-stop shop for business registers are among the next wave of deregulation reform being delivered by the Morrison Government.
The Prime Minister said his government was focused on busting the obstacles that slow down and even stop business investment and new job creation.
“We want to create the space for businesses in our economy to back themselves and take our growth to the next level,” the Prime Minister said.
“Our Deregulation Agenda has a laser focus on reducing the regulatory compliance burden on business.
“The reforms we’re delivering hone in on what we’ve been hearing directly from Australian businesses that will help them grow and employ more people.”
The new reforms include:

  • A new online checklist – So employers know the exact steps to employing their first person. From minimum pay and conditions to tax and superannuation, and developing a new prototype ‘regtech’ platform to take employers step-by-step through the process of employing their first staff.
  • Simplifying business registers – Modernising Australia’s business registers to make it easier and faster for business to interact with government, including upgrading and consolidating 32 separate business registers onto a single system. The new registry will allow business to view and manage their data in one location using a tell-us-once principle and lay the foundation stone for future ‘regtech’ initiatives.
  • A single digital environmental approvals process and biodiversity database – Getting beneficial major projects up and running by transforming the approvals process, reducing approval times and bringing forward economic activity. Partnering with the Western Australian Government where there is a large pipeline of major projects coming forward over the next decade on the new system as a first step towards a consistent nationwide process and we will also develop a biodiversity database, that can be rolled out nationally, to store and share information, which will also help speed up assessments.
  • A modern export documents system – Replacing the existing paper based system with a new online system so food exporters can get their product to market faster and more simply with more secure certification as well as establishing a new trade information service for business on how to export. Also expanding the Trusted Trader Program and Known Consignor Scheme to expedite the flow of cargo.

“We will continue to work with the States and Territories and the business community to simplify Australia’s business environment and ensure regulation is fit for purpose,” the Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said.
“The measures continue the Coalition Government’s commitment to reduce red tape and unnecessary regulation, making it easier for businesses to invest, create jobs and grow the economy.”
“We are tackling regulation from the viewpoint of business—putting ourselves in their shoes, getting down on the factory floor and looking at regulation from their perspective. There is always more work to do, but the Government has renewed our commitment to deregulation”, the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ben Morton said.
“An initial emphasis has been making it easier for businesses to navigate their existing regulatory environments.
“The Deregulation Taskforce is also working on opportunities to adopt technological or ‘regtech’ solutions which make it easier for business to cost-effectively navigate and comply with regulatory requirements.
“As well as overseeing the implementation of initial measures, the Taskforce will continue to identify more reforms to help business. There is more work to do and the Deregulation Taskforce will report back in the new year on further opportunities to reduce the regulatory burden focused on regulatory and legislative design and reduction.”
Further information is available on the Deregulation Taskforce webpage.

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