LNP Failing to Deal with Skills Crisis

Official data shows there are 29,000 fewer Queenslanders engaged in apprenticeships or traineeships than when the Federal Coalition took office more than six years ago.
That includes 12,000 fewer apprenticeships and traineeships in the Brisbane electorates Bonner, Bowman, Brisbane, Dickson, Griffith, Lilley, Moreton, Oxley, Petrie, Rankin and Ryan.
This represents a 37 per cent reduction.
Over the same period, the Government has issued more than 500,000 visas to overseas workers to cover the skills shortages created by its cuts to vocational training.
Queensland employers are crying out for qualified workers, particularly in regional Queensland.
The skills crisis in engineering, health and community services, trades, technicians and construction is hurting the Queensland economy and denying young Queenslanders a pathway to secure, well-paid jobs.
Nationwide, since the Liberals were elected six years ago, Australia has 150,000 fewer apprenticeships and traineeships.
Scott Morrison has no plan to fix the skills crisis.
He has no plan to create more jobs or to lift wages for those who are employed.
Australia is perfectly placed to reap the benefits offered by the extraordinary economic growth in our region.
But to take full advantage of this growth, we must train Australians so they have the skills and qualifications to exploit the looming opportunities in manufacturing and construction.

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