A Shorten Labor Government will deliver better palliative care for the people of Perth with a major upgrade to the Kalamunda District Community Hospital.
Western Australia has pressing need for more palliative care, as confirmed by a WA Parliamentary Inquiry earlier this year.
With this $7.6 million investment from Federal Labor, Kalamunda will be transformed into a Palliative Care Centre of Excellence – expanding and improving its services to ensure more people get the post possible care at the end of their lives.
This Palliative Care Centre of Excellence will improve the quality of life of both patients and their families, through the prevention and relief of suffering.
The 39-bed facility at Kalamunda has played a vital role in the community for more than 40 years – but upgrades to its buildings and amenities are desperately needed to ensure patients can continue to receive the highest standard of care.
The redevelopment will include upgrades to facilities, to ensure patients entering the end of their life are cared for in a comfortable and modern environment.
The upgrades will include:

  • New infrastructure like ceiling hoists to support comfortable movement of patients;
  • More private bathrooms;
  • Family facilities for partners, carers and children to sleep over and refresh;
  • Development of family rooms where partners can co-sleep during late end of life; and
  • Courtyard landscaping to provide a peaceful and external environment for patients and families.

The funding will also provide for the installation of a new ICT system to support those patients unable to travel through the use of telehealth services.
Some of the funding will also provide for the refurbishment of the Day Procedure area of the hospital to a contemporary standard.
These improvements will help future proof the hospital and ensure it can continue to deliver high-quality end of life care for many years to come.
Labor is committed to improving palliative care across the country to ensure all Australians are afforded the comfort, dignity and privacy they need in their final days.

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