As Australia burns, the Liberals cheat and Labor spits in the face of victims: Greens

The Australian Greens have slammed Liberal and Labor for their climate failures and embrace of coal, both on the international stage and the while tackling the bushfires crisis currently crippling the east coast of Australia.
Greens’ spokesperson for the climate crisis, Adam Bandt MP said:
“In the middle of a climate emergency, the Liberals are overseas trying to cheat their way out of our climate obligations and Labor is spitting in the face of bushfire victims by spruiking coal.
“As Australia burns and Sydney chokes, glorifying coal is insensitive and utterly offensive.
“Coal is the biggest contributor to global warming. Coal fuelling these fires, coal is fuelling the Sydney smoke and coal is making the drought worse.
“Overseas in Madrid, Angus Taylor is cooking the books, trying to use dodgy accounting tricks to meet our climate obligations and the rest of the world is pushing back.
“Australia cheated the Kyoto Agreement by insisting on the right to increase pollution and the Liberals are trying to cheat their way out of the Paris Agreement too.
Responding to the Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, Mr Bandt said: “The main problem isn’t little Lucifers in the suburbs, it’s devils in Canberra with coal in their hands and denial in their heads.”
Leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Richard Di Natale said:
“What we’ve seen from Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese is climate hypocrisy, when we so desperately need climate leadership.
“Coal is the biggest cause of the climate crisis and in the middle of a climate emergency the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader should be talking about a plan to transition away from coal. Instead, they are cheerleading coal, touring regional Queensland with new Akubras, and offering coal communities false promises that their industry will continue indefinitely.
“Australia has been calling out for collaborative action to address the climate crisis. Right now, we have a bipartisan consensus to fail. Bipartisanship is pointless if all it does it leads to is more coal, and a refusal to tackle action to address the climate crisis.”

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