Littleproud welcomes charges laid over needles in strawberries

Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud has welcomed news Queensland Police have charged an alleged offender over planting needles in strawberries.​
The 50-year-old woman will face court in Brisbane today.
“I congratulate Queensland Police for working hard on this issue,” Minister Littleproud said.
“I think many had assumed no-one would ever be charged over these serious offences.
“Everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence and their day in court, and that process has to be allowed to run its course.
“But I’m glad police kept at it long after the media attention died down.
“The needles-in-strawberries scandal has cost our farmers millions during tough times.
“Summer and Christmas are important times of year for strawberry growers and I hope news of an alleged offender being charged also brings growers some mental relief.”

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