Federal Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon has announced $200,000 worth of funding for local schools through the new Local Schools Community Fund program. The list of successful schools are below.
The number of applications received in Newcastle far exceeded the $200,000 cap on this new program, highlighting the dire need for increased funding for our schools.
The applications were assessed by a local schools panel with representation from each of the Government, Catholic and Independent school sectors.
Ms Claydon said that all Newcastle schools deserve increased funding and resources to deliver quality education for our kids.
“Heading into Christmas, any additional funding for our local schools is welcome news. I know the successful schools will be thrilled to kick off 2020 with much needed funding for their respective projects.”
Unfortunately, despite receiving many worthy applications, there are many important projects left unfunded.
“There’s no news yet on whether the Government will run the Local Schools Community Fund again”
“What is clear is that the schools in our community need additional funding and support to continue to deliver a great education for our kids”
“I have written to the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon. Dan Tehan MP, asking him to support my request for additional funds, outside the Local Schools Community Fund program, to ensure that worthy projects that were unsuccessful under this program can still proceed.
“I will continue to advocate strongly for extra funding for our Newcastle Schools.”
Successful Schools under the Local Schools Community Fund

 School Name Approved Project Name Approved Funding
Callaghan College – Wallsend Campus Support unit resourcing and sensory equipment for students with additional needs $15,500
St Peter’s Primary School St Peter’s Stockton Playground Enhancement $10,000
St Pius X High School Regeneration of the Wetland $18,566
St Dominic’s Centre New classroom resources for students with disability and additional needs $18,000
Waratah Public School Sensory Playground (Early Stage 1) $20,000
Minmi Public School Fitness Equipment Relocation and Upgrade as well as installation of soft fall surface $16,310
Stockton Public School Stockton Public School Play and Sports Area $20,000
Callaghan College – Jesmond Campus Digital media equipment purchase for annual combined schools Digital Media Festival and other uses $14,500
Elermore Vale Public School Establishment of Chicken Coop and Orchard $2,700
Glendore Public School Main multi-purpose Court Refurbishment $20,000
ALESCO Senior College Wellbeing space $20,000
D.A.L.E. Young Parents School Outdoor Learning and Community Space $20,000
St Laurence Flexible Learning Centre Pathways to Literacy resources $4,424


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