Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Treasurer Dominic Perrottet today announced $1 billion over the next two years to rebuild bushfire impacted communities across NSW.
The additional funding will prioritise the repair and rebuilding of vital infrastructure, such as roads, rail-lines, bridges, schools, health facilities and communications facilities, which have been damaged or destroyed by bushfires.
“This money will provide an immediate source of funding to ensure key infrastructure is restored so that communities can get back on their feet as soon as possible,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“The bushfire season is far from over but we know how important it is for communities to start the recovery process where possible.
Mr Perrottet said the $1 billion fund would ensure recovery work could commence without delay and will also have a secondary benefit of stimulating local economies hit hard by bushfires.
“This money will help fast track the recovery process and will also provide an important economic boost to communities doing it tough.”
“Nobody can undo what is done, but what we can do is ensure these communities have every chance and opportunity to get back to business and start rebuilding as soon as possible,” Mr Perrottet said.
“With fires impacting communities all across the state, we know the task is enormous but the NSW Government will do whatever it takes to help repair the damage and rebuild communities.”
This announcement is on top of the NSW Government’s disaster assistance funding for this bushfire season of up to $231 million already committed.
This includes;

  • $166 million to fight fires on top of the record 2019/20 RFS Budget
  • $25 million to facilitate the clean-up of both insured and uninsured homes damaged or destroyed by the fires.
  • $23 million for grants of up to $15,000 for primary producers and small businesses to assist with clean-up and the replacement of infrastructure
  • $6 million for additional mental health services for individuals, community groups and emergency services personnel
  • $11 million to fund the Economic Recovery and Community Resilience Grants Program.

Ms Berejiklian said following initial discussions with the Federal Government, it has been confirmed that the Federal Government contribution will focus on direct payments to individuals, small business and local councils.
“The NSW Government’s focus will be to rebuild and where appropriate, improve the infrastructure,” Ms Berejiklian said.

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