Where is the Environment Minister?

The Federal Environment Minister is missing in action despite reports that more than a billion native animals have been impacted and killed in the catastrophic fires across Australia and millions of hectares of habitat burnt, the Greens say.
Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“We are in the midst of environmental collapse and the Minister responsible is missing in action. The climate fires have caused an ecological disaster. Entire species may have been wiped out.
“As I’ve met with dozens of dedicated wildlife carers and local community members who’ve been so devastated by these fires, I’ve heard countless firsthand accounts of how these fires and the conditions underpinning it are unprecedented. The habitats that have been so crucial to supporting livelihoods and native wildlife have been entirely wiped out. Pristine wilderness areas that attract tourists and therefore jobs to regional areas have been decimated.
“Where is the Environment Minister? I’m calling on her to come out today and stand up for our environment and threatened species. Our wildlife deserves it, the carers rescuing them deserve it and our communities need it.
“The Federal Government must urgently establish a fighting fund for the environment to save, restore and protect what remains. Our communities rightly need funding for homes and infrastructure but the environment that so many humans and animals depend on, cannot be left as an afterthought.
“The time for funding and action is now, or we may just lose some of our precious wildlife and flora for good.”

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