Greens call on Federal Govt to take urgent action for bushfire-affected wildlife

With an estimated half a billion native animals killed by the devastating bushfires across Australia, the Greens are calling on the Federal Government to urgently fund a review of the loss of native wildlife and bushfire-specific recovery plans for impacted species.
“The impact the climate fires are having on our precious wildlife is heartbreaking. The scale of the devastation is shocking and is making headlines around the world,” Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“On Kangaroo Island in my home state of South Australia, it’s estimated 25,000 koalas – up to half the Island’s population – has been killed. Grave fears are held for the survival of other endangered species such as the dunnart and rare glossy cockatoo.
“This could be an ecological disaster. An urgent response is required to help those who are injured and suffering and to ensure the best chance of recovery to prevent extinction.
“We are in the midst of an environmental catastrophe. Our wildlife desperately need and deserve action and so do those on the ground working tirelessly to save them.
“The Greens are calling on the Federal Government to urgently fund a review of the loss of native animals and bushfire-specific recovery plans in bushfire-affected areas across the country.
“The Morrison Government must listen to the millions of Australians who care more about clean air, clean water and a safe and liveable environment than they do a political surplus.
“This is a climate emergency. The time for debate is over. We need leadership that delivers the assistance Australians and our wildlife need at this difficult time and a climate policy fit for the crisis we’re in.”

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