Greens say Foodbank funding cuts are a cruel blow to regional communities doing it tough

Funding cuts to Foodbank are cruel and will be a significant blow to Victoria’s regional communities doing it tough and suffering through drought, say the Greens.
“These cuts are unnecessary and cruel, and they will have a significant impact on people who are struggling in Victoria’s rural and regional communities,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens agriculture and rural affairs spokesperson.
“We have a government that is going around spruiking how much it’s doing for drought-affected farmers and communities, at the same time they’re slashing funding to Foodbank, which provides 67 million meals per year.”
“More than 1.5 million people living in remote and rural regions have experienced food insecurity in the last twelve months.”
“The reality of these cuts is that people will go hungry.”
“With 3 million Australians categorised as having very low food security, the government should be doing all it can to support programs like Foodbank, not cutting its much-needed funding.”
“It’s coming up to Christmas and families will be going hungry. Where is the Prime Minister’s Christmas spirit?”

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