Resignation of Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman

Will Hodgman is a Tasmanian and Liberal legend whose leadership has engineered the state’s remarkable turnaround.
He leaves behind a record of distinguished service.
Cutting unemployment from 7.6 per cent to 6.0 per cent and creating more than 19,200 new jobs.
Turning the tide on the 1,000 Tasmanians who left the state each year with the latest figures showing the population grew by almost 2,000 people from mainland Australia in net terms.
Working closely together to deliver the Hobart and Launceston City Deals, a $2.8 billion infrastructure program for projects like the Bridgewater Bridge, Bass, Murchison and Midland Highways, not to mention the Battery of the Nation and Marinus Link projects.
I want to congratulate Will on his leadership and the achievements of his government and thank him for his friendship and support.
As the current longest serving premier, Will has also made a great national contribution not just at the COAG table but in his quiet advocacy for the interests of Tasmania and Australia at every opportunity.
In his maiden speech, Will paid tribute to the tremendous role model his father was, including as a fellow Parliamentarian, hoping to “display the same level of passion, commitment and service to the community”. I think the record shows, Will, you have done that in spades over your more than 17 year parliamentary career and your father would be rightly proud.
Will has been not just a leader for Tasmania, but a tremendous friend and support to me.
I wish him, Nicky and their family all the best as they move to this next stage.
Scott Morrison

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