Greens slam cabinet of climate criminals

The Australian Greens have slammed Scott Morrison’s cabinet reshuffle, which further cements the climate denialism of this government.
Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP said:
“Moving Keith Pitt, a nuke-loving climate denier, back onto the front bench makes the intentions of this government even clearer.
“We are in a climate emergency but this Prime Minister shamefully thinks it’s appropriate to put on the frontbench a man who previously quit cabinet over opposition to the Paris Agreement.
“Appointing a nuclear advocate is a ‘dead cat’ strategy, an attempt at distraction from a Prime Minister who desperately doesn’t want to talk about coal.
“It’s time to turf out this is government of climate criminals.”
Greens Spokesperson for the Environment, Water and Nuclear Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“The cabinet reshuffle today looks like more jobs for the boys.
“The Prime Minister has promoted more turkeys to the Cabinet table who are there simply as lackeys of the coal and nuclear industry.
“The new Resources and Water Minister Keith Pitt is one of the country’s most vocal opponents for global action on climate change. The PM’s promoted a bloke who wants Australia to go nuclear and build more coal.
“This is a disaster for the environment, the Murray-Darling Basin and puts a question mark over Scott Morrison’s intentions when it comes to nuclear power in this country.
“The PM must rule out any support for the further expansion of the nuclear industry in Australia. He must reassure the Australian people that there will be no new plans, money spent or suggestions coming from his government for nuclear in Australia.”

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