With QLD Gov Support, Greens renew calls for National Horse Register

Greens Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has welcomed the Queensland Government’s support for a National Horse Register following the release of the independent inquiry into the management of retired racehorses.
Senator Faruqi’s 2019 Senate inquiry into establishing a National Horse Traceability Register called for the establishment of a national working group to work towards implementing a Register in December.
Senator Faruqi said:
“I welcome the Queensland Government’s support for a national horse register.
“Australians were outraged by the horrific slaughter of racehorses exposed by 730. We need to track horses throughout their lives so the industry has no more excuses for not ensuring every horse has a dignified retirement.
“The independent inquiry is right to identify this as a national problem that requires national leadership and solutions.
“That’s why I’m calling on the Minister Littleproud to work urgently to establish a register.
“I have long said that when animals and gambling mix, animals always suffer. At the end of the day, no racehorse should end up in a slaughterhouse. We need strong enforcement and strong animal welfare laws as well. The Greens have long advocated for an independent office for animal welfare which can do this.”

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