Senate pressures Govt to bring on vote for Greens Federal ICAC

The Australian Senate has sent a message to the Morrison Government that it wants a federal corruption watchdog with teeth, voting for the Government to bring on the Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill in the House of Representatives for a vote in the February 2020 sittings.
The Greens bill passed the Senate in September 2019.
Greens leader in the Senate Larissa Waters said,  “The Senate has today sent a clear message that it won’t stand for the weak Government model for a Federal ICAC which is already long delayed and ineffective.
“It was very telling that it was only the Government Senators who voted against the House being compelled to bring on the Greens ICAC bill for a vote. They are plagued by integrity scandals and you’ve got to wonder if they have even more to hide.
“The Greens have been pushing for 10 years for a corruption watchdog and we urgently need action to restore community confidence following #SportsRorts and rolling integrity sagas.
“This is now a test for Prime Minister Scott Morrison – will he hear the strong message for the Senate and clean up this sideshow of scandals or continue to delay and whitewash his weak body which won’t stop corruption?
“It will also be the first indication of whether Llew O’Brien or the Nationals follow through on their threat and cross the floor to support integrity.
“Australians deserve to have their voice and values represented in parliament, a place intended to give voice to people, not the vested interests of big donors.”
Download a copy of the Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill here:
Senate Motion passed 33:29:
Senator Waters:
To move—
(1) That the Senate notes that:
(a) the Senate passed the Australian Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill 2018 (No. 2) on 9 September 2019 to establish a federal corruption watchdog with broad remit to investigate allegations of corruption and misconduct, and to ensure strong, independent oversight of the actions of parliamentarians; and
(b) public consultation on the Commonwealth Integrity Commission model proposed by the Government ended more than one year ago, but the Government has yet to introduce legislation to establish an integrity commission,
(2) That the Senate calls on the Federal Government to bring on the Australian Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill 2019 in the House of Representatives for a vote in the February 2020 sittings.
(3) That this resolution be sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

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