We Don’t Need No Hanson Education Bill: Faruqi

Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to Senator Pauline Hanson’s announcement of “The Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children Bill” which, absurdly, would rewrite the curriculum to require teaching of climate denialism and dangerous conservative ideas of gender and sexuality.
Senator Faruqi said:
“Senator Hanson’s attempt to gag teachers and stuff the curriculum full of right-wing conspiracy theories would be laughable if it weren’t so terrifying.
“The curriculum should be based on evidence and expertise not Pauline Hanson’s latest bigoted thought bubble.
“There is no place for this kind of censorship of teachers in our democracy and our schools.
“This bill belongs nowhere but in the bin. Hanson’s spurious claims that human-caused climate change is ‘unsubstantiated’ and schools ‘teach gender fluidity and realignment to infants’ can go with it.
“It’s vital every child learns the realities of the climate crisis, the truth of Australia’s settler-colonial past and how to have respectful relationships in the context of a comprehensive sex education.
“Teachers, working with educational experts, do a great job supporting students, often working without the resources they need. They certainly don’t need One Nation’s meddling.”

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