Teens nabbed for break and enter in proactive Lake Macquarie operation

Two teens have been charged after an alleged break and enter at a school in the Lake Macquarie region early today.
Officers attached to Lake Macquarie Police District have been investigating a number of property offences in the Belmont area, including an increase in break and enters.
Police have been proactively responding to this increase with the Lake Macquarie Target Action Group performing Precision Policing in the area.
At 1.30am (Monday 17 February 2020), police stopped two young males walking along the Pacific Highway in Belmont.
Upon searching the two teens, aged 13 and 14, officers allegedly located 11 tablet computers, chargers, a computer modem, food and cleaning materials, as well as house breaking implements and face coverings.
A knife was also seized from one teen before they were taken to Belmont Police Station.
Following inquiries, police were told that a security system was activated at 1am at a school nearby, with entry forced into a computer room.
The 14-year-old was charged with aggravated break, enter and steal in company, possess house breaking implements and custody of a knife in public place.
The 13-year-old was charged with aggravated break, enter and steal in company and possess house breaking implements.
Both were refused bail to appear at a children’s court today (Monday 17 February 2020).

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