Adani toast as India reportedly pledges to stop coal imports: Greens

The Australian Greens have responded to reports that India will stop importing thermal coal within 4 years, saying that it is the death knell for the Adani project and the beginning of the end of Australia’s thermal coal industry.
India’s Minister of Coal and Mines on Tuesday reportedly said as part of a planning meeting for the future of the coal industry that the country would stop importing coal by financial year 2023/24.
Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP said:
“If this is true, it’s the death knell for the Adani coal mine and will hasten the end of thermal coal in Australia.
“Prime Minister Scott Morrison needs to end his ideological obsession with coal and instead transition Australia to be a renewable energy superpower.
“Thermal coal is on its last legs. Coal workers and communities deserve the support of the government to transition to the jobs and industries of the future, like renewables mining. With a Green New Deal we can create new jobs by turning Australia into a clean energy superpower, while making sure no one is left behind.”
Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland Larissa Waters said:
“For years, the coal lobby and their Coalition mates have been spinning lies that selling our coal to India will deliver Australia riches and jobs into the future. Today’s report tells a different story.
“India’s import reduction plan highlights the country’s shift away from coal to renewable energy, and its growing disinterest in buying Australia’s dirty coal.
“The Adani coal mine has been a sham for years. This announcement today makes the project even more untenable.
“It’s time for Labor and Liberal to join the Greens in ruling out any new coal mines and instead plan for a phase out of coal and a transition to the jobs and industries of the future.”

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