Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro said more than 500 projects will be funded through the program with more than 250 projects dedicated to benefitting regional youth.
“The new projects include training facilities, sports facility redevelopments, playgrounds and accessibility upgrades, as well as programs that promote job readiness, support wellbeing and offer social activities,” Mr Barilaro said.
“The drought and recent bush fires have had a devastating effect on regional NSW and to have $100 million worth of projects about to get underway will help boost morale at this difficult time.”
Minister for Regional Youth Bronnie Taylor, and Member for Tamworth and Minister for Better Regulation Kevin Anderson today visited Tamworth Viaduct Park Youth Hub to announce $369,000 for a Youth Training Café, the first youth projects funded through the program.
Mrs Taylor said the café will help young locals be job ready by gaining valuable hospitality skills and experience, while also helping the café earn revenue that will be spent on training more young people.
“The Youth Training Café is a great example of the kind of projects that will help young people get work, support the local economy and making communities more vibrant and fun,” Mrs Taylor said.
“The Regional Youth Taskforce identified job readiness, digital accessibility, physical activity and wellbeing as some of the key issues that need to be addressed and I’m proud we’re delivering more than 250 projects that will do just that.”
Mr Anderson congratulated Tamworth Council on the Youth Training Café project, which will be the 15th project for the electorate funded through the SCCF.
“This project is another way to keep local kids engaged and teach them new skills at the same time,” Mr Anderson said.
“This project is just one of many projects in Tamworth that have benefitted from the SCCF – I look forward to announcing more in the near future.”
The Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the $1.7 billion Regional Growth Fund, which together with the $4.2 billion Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund is delivering once-in-a-generation infrastructure that generates opportunities, investment and jobs.

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