Greens ensure LGBTQ+ discrimination in schools inquiry reports in two weeks, including teachers and school staff

The Greens have ensured that the LGBTQ+ schools inquiry will report in two weeks and will include teachers and school staff.
The Greens successfully amended the Terms of Reference for the inquiry so that it will report on the legislative changes needed to remove discrimination against both students and teachers this year.
“Removing discrimination against both students and staff is urgent. It must happen this year,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.
“Labor’s original dates would have informed legislation regarding only students this year, leaving teachers hanging out to dry until next year.”
“The Greens have a bill already being debated in the senate that would remove discrimination against LGBTQ+ students and staff. We could have continued debate and voted on it this week, but debate was blocked by both Labor and Liberal. The next best option is an inquiry, but one that reports quickly.”
“The Greens amendment means the inquiry will be quick and we can get on with the job of removing discrimination in schools before parliament and schools rise for the summer break.”
“74% of Australians want discrimination against LGBTQ+ students and staff removed. No ifs, no buts. Labor and Liberal need to stop dragging their feet and join the Greens to ensure schools are safe places for all LGBTQ+ people.”

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