Leaked study shows Australians want an end to forest destruction, only thing standing in way of protection are Labor and Liberal, say Greens

A leaked study by University of Canberra academics for the Forest & Wood Products Australia (FWPA) shows two thirds of Australians, including those in rural and regional areas, want an end to native forest logging.
“It’s clear that a huge majority of Australians know that logging of native forests must end,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens spokesperson for forests.
“The Labor and Liberal parties are the only thing standing in the way of protecting our native forests.”
“An area the size of 5 MCGs is logged every day in Victoria alone, mainly for woodchips. This is just madness.”
“Logging jeopardises water security for cities like Melbourne and destroys the homes of threatened species like the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum, which is on the brink of extinction. Labor and Liberal alike are backing it in completely.”
“We can and must shift from native forest logging into sustainable plantations. Already 88% of Australia’s wood products come from plantations, so it’s time we leave unsustainable native forest logging in the past. This will give timber workers certainty and protect our precious native forests for future generations.

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