Following revelations from the National Audit Office in Senate Estimates,Greens Senator Janet Rice has condemned the Morrison government for their corrupt behaviour and for meddling with the list of sports projects funding hours after the Federal election was called.
Senator Janet Rice, Greens spokesperson for Sport said:
“Morrison is absolutely up to his neck in this scandal and his denials are not cutting it with the Senate or the Australian people. People are fed-up with this government thinking the rules don’t apply to them.
“Last night in Estimates, we learnt from the ANAO that the Coalition were still changing what projects were to be funded under the community sports grants and modifying the spreadsheet on the day the election was called, more than four hours after the government put into caretaker mode.
“These representations made by the Prime Minister’s office changed the allocation and amounts of grant funds sports clubs received. The updates resulted in one club being removed and likely missing out on funding, and nine new or amended applications rammed in at the last minute.
“These new grants were given to clubs and organisations that had put in late applications after being invited to do so by the government
“With revelations like this coming out almost daily, it’s crystal clear the Morrison government is actively subverting democracy with this cover up. The public has a right to know how their money is being spent.
“How many more scandals need to break before we get a federal anti-corruption watchdog with teeth?
“The Greens bill to establish a national integrity commission has already passed the Senate. If Scott Morrison was serious about integrity and honesty, he could bring this bill to a House vote now.”

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