Govt ignoring frontline sector calls for additional funding to address domestic violence

The Federal Government did not consult with the peak community advisory group before re-announcing $20 million funding for a controversial loan program for domestic violence survivors, an initiative not supported by the sector, the Greens say.

AWAVA [Australian Women Against Violence Alliance] wrote to Women’s Safety Ministers ahead of the meeting last Friday with a key ask to fully fund the specialist services that improve women’s safety and hold men who use violence to account.

“The much-touted meeting of Women’s Safety Ministers is nothing more than a talk fest if it ignores calls from frontline services for additional funding for domestic violence prevention and support,” said Greens Senate Leader and spokesperson on women, Senator Larissa Waters.

“Frontline services have been vocal in what they need — more funding for the Family Court, prevention and early intervention programs, specialist legal and support services, crisis accommodation and housing support to improve the family law system.

“We need an urgent investment of $5.3 billion for a new ten-year billion National Partnership Agreement on Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women between state and Federal governments.

“Anything less is a band-aid solution to the national crisis of violence against women.
“Following the meeting, Women’s Safety Ministers have also called for a COAG-level council focussed on domestic violence. It too will fail unless the Government listens to frontline services and provides sustained investment in improving women’s safety,” she said.

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