Greens launch plan for mass housing construction to stave off recession

Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP and Housing Spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi have today launched a bold plan to build 500,000 new homes, create 40,000 new jobs and 4,000 new apprenticeships, and push back the risk of recession nationally.
With construction having fallen 7.4% over the year, and with nearly one in three young people struggling to find work, this project will inject crucially needed stimulus into the economy while putting homes into reach for young families.
Each year, 40,000 new public housing homes would be built, all from sustainable materials: meeting 7 Star NatHERS ratings, with efficient heating and cooling, and attached solar to bring down power bills.
This initiative is a leading component of the Green New Deal – a plan to solve the climate and economic crises, while creating long-term jobs in future-proof industries.
Adam Bandt, Leader of the Australian Greens said:
“With coronavirus and the climate crisis smashing our economy, we’re heading towards a cliff but Scott Morrison is refusing to grab the steering wheel.
“We’re heading towards a recession and Australia needs a construction-led stimulus that fixes the housing crisis and helps young people find decent jobs.
“The Green New Deal helps everyone get a roof over their head while providing jobs and training, clearing public housing waitlists, and stimulating our slowing economy.
“Hundreds of thousands of people are on public housing waiting lists or homeless because governments haven’t built new dwellings for years, but now is the right time for the government to fix the problem while keeping us out of recession.
“Each one of these half a million homes will be built by the next generation of tradies and apprentices, and require materials sourced from businesses around the country. Every single plank, wall, and step will create jobs and put money back into local communities and into Australian’s bank accounts.
“Australia would be a very different country without the massive construction programs that pulled us out of the GFC in 2008. With a recession looming, we need to kickstart the economy through investment in services and infrastructure that will improve people’s day to day lives.
“There’s never been a better time to do this. With interest rates at a historic low, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Australia has wasted enough time waiting for developers to save the day, and it’s time our government got back in the driver’s seat.”
Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens Housing Spokesperson said:
“Just like Medicare and our public school system, everyone should have access to housing. By building more publicly-owned homes, we can guarantee an affordable, good quality home to people for life.
“The Federal Government must show leadership in tackling the housing crisis by making an unprecedented investment in housing. Half a million new high-quality and sustainable homes will make a huge difference to families around the country.
“No one should be without a home. The Greens plan will make sure there are enough affordable homes for everyone to have a decent and safe place to live.
“With this plan, we can solve the housing crisis, create thousands of construction jobs and build a more equal society all at once. That’s what the Green New Deal is all about.”

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