Novel Coronavirus

The safety of our communities, customers and staff is our top priority.

City of Newcastle is following advise from the NSW Government on the recent outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). We take advice on all public health matters from the state and federal health departments.
Our staff are monitoring developments daily and assessing any potential impact on city services and events.
We aim to maintain our current level of service to residents and businesses during this period.
All staff have been reminded to practice good hygiene by covering coughs and sneezes, washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water, and using alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Council is committed to our community’s safety and whilst the risk is currently very low, we ask residents to take precautions.

Feeling unwell?

If you develop a fever, a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath within 14 days of overseas travel, seek medical attention.

More information is available on the NSW Health website and websites.

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