Statement on Hamilton Carnivale

Hamilton Carnivale has previously been hosted by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce, which has recently seen a number of directors resign, has chosen not to apply to Council for funding or support to run Carnivale this year.
Because the name ‘Hamilton Carnivale’ is trademarked, no event bearing that name can be run by the new Hamilton business improvement association (BIA). This new group, which consists solely of local businesspeople, is working on a series of events to showcase Beaumont Street later this year and will be announcing details in the next few months.
Under agreements with BIAs, there is no cap placed on the funding that can be allocated to events within their annual $100,000 grant. In addition, BIAs can apply for further funding for additional projects or events. In addition, BIAs can also apply for additional funding for projects or events. This funding for additional projects is capped at $15,000 per project over and above annual funding.
The new model enables BIAs to engage professional event managers to deliver events on their behalf and provides additional support by centralising administrative services.

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