Have your say on telecommunications services

A new consultation paper with proposals for modern reliability safeguards for telco services in Australia has just been released as part of our ongoing Consumer Safeguards Review
Australians depend on reliable access to telecommunications services to stay connected with family and friends and to do business.
We expect getting connected to a service to be easy and that the service is reliable. When this is not the case, we expect simple and easy-to-navigate safeguards to help fix connection problems.
The review is examining the protections offered to consumers so our telecommunications framework is suitable for all Australians into the future.
We are seeking input on a number of proposals designed to improve the reliability of fixed voice and broadband services, including:

  • New rules enforcing maximum timeframes for connections and repairs and encouraging telco providers  to keep the connection and repair appointments they make
  • Requirements to focus on keeping consumers connected to a service if maximum timeframes cannot be met
  • Requirements for network operators to publish reliability metrics to help consumers make informed decisions.

You can provide your feedback by 21 December 2018 through the Have Your Say webpage.
Find out more:
Read the Minister’s media release

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