Should we tax red meat to save our health?

The idea of taxing red meat by Oxford University shows just how irrelevant these institutions are becoming, Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said today.
​Researchers in the US and UK have suggested a tax on red meat, apparently because the World Health Organisation says eating huge amounts of red meat has the potential to cause cancer.
“Comparing red meat to cigarettes is ridiculous, these institutions aren’t living in the real world but instead make findings without a lead of reality,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Red meat is essential to a healthy diet.
“This is yet another attempt from the PC crowd to tell Australians how they should live their lives. You have to question who commissioned this report.
“Suggestions a red meat tax would result in less overweight people are garbage.
“Government shouldn’t dictate diet.
“Government’s role is to give people the relevant information and let them choose for themselves.
“People have to take responsibility for what they put in their mouths not the government.
“I don’t tell people what they should eat. People can make up their own minds and government should stay out of their lives.
“If other countries want to follow this madness and tax meat good luck to them but it won’t happen here.”

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