Australia needs environmental laws with teeth to tackle pollution crisis

The Australian Conservation Foundation’s nation-wide air pollution report today proves our national environmental laws do not go far enough to protect us from harmful pollution.
“Our environmental laws are not up to scratch. We need environmental laws with teeth and national standards that view every Australian as equal, no matter where they live,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“The Morrison Government is not up to the task of taking on the big polluters. They allow lax regulations for their rich corporate mates and it’s poor Australians who are first and worst affected.
“It shouldn’t matter what state you live in, or what your postcode is, we all have the right to breathe clean air. Our environmental laws must do more for not only the natural environment but the people who call Australia home.
“We cannot clean up our air pollution crisis and break down the divide by sticking to business as usual. The Greens in the senate are standing up to big polluters and the politicians that give them free reign to pollute.
“The Morrison Government cannot be trusted to reverse this dirty pollution trend, and end the dirty politics that allows it to continue.”

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