Surge in full-time jobs

There are more full-time jobs in Australia than ever before following a surge in October.
The latest ABS jobs figures show the economy added more than 300,000 jobs in the past year, including 238,800 new full-time jobs. Full-time employment now stands at a record high of 8,703,700.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was steady in October, at 5.0 per cent, and is at its equal lowest rate since June 2011. Seasonally adjusted employment increased by 32,800 to stand at a record high of 12,671,500.
Encouragingly, female full-time employment rose strongly by 29,000 over the month – total female employment is now at a record high.
The Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP said the figures showed the Coalition Government’s plan for a stronger economy is working.
“We have again seen the number of Australians in work reach a record high. Importantly, we have seen a strong surge in full-time jobs, with an increase of 42,300 over the month,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
“The figures come as we have seen the strongest wages growth in three years, showing how important a strong economy is to both jobs growth and wages growth,” she said.
“While there is still work to do, we know that the RBA expects wages to pick up further as the labour market tightens, so today’s jobs numbers are very encouraging.
“Since the Government came to office in 2013, a total of 1,183,800 jobs have been created.
“By contrast, Labor doesn’t have a plan for the economy, only a plan for $200 billion higher taxes on electricity, workers, housing, savings, investments and retirement which would hit millions of Australians,” Minister O’Dwyer concluded.

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