Greed, politicking and climate change killing Murray-Darling, Keelty report shows

The latest review into the management of the Murray-Darling Basin exposes greed, politicking and climate change are killing the nation’s biggest river system, the Greens say.
Responding to the Interim Inspector-General of Murray–Darling Basin Water Resources Mick Keelty’s report, released today, Greens Spokesperson for the Environment and Water Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“There are no jobs on a dead river. This report shows greed and vested political interests are putting the River at risk for all users and killing the River from top to bottom.
“The importance of maintaining environmental flows for the sake of the River’s survival is confirmed in this report.
“The anti-science and anti-environment agenda fanned by people like Barnaby Joyce has created misinformation and frustration amongst the community. Family farmers have been used as political pawns, while the National Party’s corporate irrigator mates are able to keep being greedy.
“The River system is under enormous stress, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was meant to tackle the over-extraction of water from irrigation. Politics and greed have continued to hinder doing what the science and the environment needs to save the River. It’s time we got on with retuning water to the environment so the River is there into the future.
“This report proves what many of us have known for a long time – allowing the National Party to control the Water Ministry has been a recipe for disaster. They peddle lies, misinformation and have a lack of respect for the science. Morrison should take the portfolio off the National Party, and put science back in charge.”

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