Expansion of ASIO powers unjustified

The Government’s latest attempt to expand ASIO’s powers is cynical and unjustified, the Greens say.
“Yet again, Peter Dutton is trying to increase powers of security agencies without even trying to explain his reasons,” Greens Justice spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
“Nor has he tried to give any possible justification for the need to interrogate children as young as 14.”
“To use the pandemic as cover for the increased scope of the surveillance state is dangerous and cynical.”
“The National Terrorism Threat in Australia hasn’t increased for more than five years, and yet we have been confronted with wave after wave of legislation.”
“There have been more than 200 pieces of ‘counter terror’ legislation passed in Australia since 2001 and very few have been relaxed or withdrawn.”
“Australia desperately needs a Charter of Rights to protect our basic freedoms.”

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