Greens call for Federal Parliament to sit in June

The Greens will introduce a motion in the Senate calling for Federal Parliament to sit in June to strengthen democracy and address ongoing issues of national importance.
“The Covid crisis response and the plan for recovery demand more transparency in government decision-making. The Senate Covid Committee plays a critical role, but is no substitute for full parliamentary oversight,” said Senator Larissa Waters, Greens Senate Leader and spokesperson on Democracy.
“We need more democracy during this time, not less. We need to ensure that Australia’s recovery is fair, effective, and guided by expert advice. We need Parliament to return.
“The Greens are calling for both houses to sit in June to fix gaps in the JobKeeper scheme, introduce rights to pandemic leave, consider banking royal commission legislation, and debate the merits of the government’s proposed gas-led recovery.
“We must ensure we don’t come out the other side having brought this coronavirus under control but finding ourselves with our democracy eroded and hard-fought for rights lost.”

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