Australian Greens condemn efforts to ratchet up repression in Hong Kong

The Australian Greens condemn the Chinese Government’s plans to enact sweeping new national security laws in Hong Kong, with Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt today offering solidarity to protesters who have resisted months of recriminations.
“As Hong Kong activists have said, this is a dangerous prospect for Hong Kong and if implemented could be a knockout blow for Hong Kong’s one country, two systems arrangement.  It is an attempt to silence Hong Kong and its brave and vocal pro-democracy activists,” Mr Bandt said.
“The people of Hong Kong have stood firm over months and months in the face of Chinese Government and Hong Kong authorities’ crackdown.  They have withstood things like a fearsome build-up of force on the border, an overpowering and violent police presence unleashing teargas and rubber bullets, and arrests and reprisals.
“The Chinese Government should remember that the people power of Hong Kong led to the withdrawal of the damaging Extradition Bill, as well as similar national security laws back in 2003.
“This is another disappointing escalation from the Chinese Government following the recent arrest by Hong Kong police of 15 pro-democracy activists.  Their decision to try to quietly arrest them under cover of a global pandemic was a new low.  The global community will continue to watch Hong Kong closely, as will we.  The people of Hong Kong have a right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.  The Chinese Government must not interfere with these rights or meddle in Hong Kong’s affairs.“

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