Today, the Leader of the Opposition has written to the Prime Minister urging him to agree to a bipartisan taskforce, led by the Attorney-General and Shadow Attorney-General, to create a National Integrity Commission.
At the beginning of 2018, Labor announced our plan to legislate for a federal anti-corruption body. All year, the Government has ignored our requests for cooperation.
This issue should be above politics. The time has come for the Liberal and National parties to support a federal anti-corruption body.
A bipartisan process would help ensure the complex consultation and design work can be completed swiftly, and a body established as a priority.
In recent years there has been a loss of public faith in government and Commonwealth institutions. The Liberal Party’s chaos and division have further eroded Australians’ trust in politics.
Labor welcomes the support of members of the cross-bench for a federal anti-corruption body. This provides an opportunity to secure broad parliamentary support to establish a National Integrity Commission before the next election, if Scott Morrison and the Liberals finally come on board.
Mr Morrison delayed the Banking Royal Commission by voting against it 26 times. He should not let his arrogance and stubbornness get in the way of a National Integrity Commission.
Mr Morrison should learn from his mistakes, and join with Labor now so we can work on this issue together.
We are prepared to work with the Liberals, but we will not wait for them.
If Mr Morrison continues to block a National Integrity Commission, a Shorten Labor Government will deliver it.
A copy of the letter can be found here.

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