Over 5600 local jobs to rebuild Eden-Monaro from bushfires and COVID-19

Unemployed people in Eden-Monaro would have meaningful work under The Greens’ plan to recover from the coronavirus economic shock in a visionary plan that would also address the climate crisis.
The Greens say this election is a chance to send a message to Canberra about tackling climate change and providing decent jobs, especially for young people.
The 5670 local jobs provided by the Invest to Recover plan would assist the post-pandemic recovery, while also providing long-term employment for the next generation.
The Greens’ modelling shows more than 1600 jobs would come from the construction of public housing and sustainable infrastructure, another 1100 in caring roles and the public sector, with the vital post-bushfire environmental restoration to offer another 200 jobs.
A youth Jobs Guarantee would also put another 1250 people under 30 into meaningful employment, preventing a lost generation of young people in towns across the region.
6100 people were unemployed in Eden-Monaro and surrounds (Capital Region SA4) as of April 2020 and many more were under-employed (that is, didn’t have enough hours of work).
Importantly, the green recovery plan would provide this jobs boost while also furthering the transition away from coal, oil and gas, helping minimise the risk of escalating bushfires that devastated Eden-Monaro in January.
Greens Candidate for Eden-Monaro Cathy Griff, Leader Adam Bandt MP, and Senator for NSW Mehreen Faruqi say the job offering presents a compelling case for a green economic recovery over the government’s gas-led approach.
Greens Candidate for Eden Monaro, Cathy Griff said:
“Our recovery from the bushfires has a long way to go. We’ve got a lot of work ahead, and clearly young people will be key to getting Eden-Monaro working again.
“Our ‘Invest to Recover’ plan will jump-start the local economy with green investment, grow new industries and create thousands of jobs, while also providing a safety net that ensures people out of work won’t be thrown into poverty.
“Young people across the region will bear the brunt of politicians’ decisions made today. We need a recovery plan that not only provides jobs for young people, but diminishes the worst ravages of the climate crisis. A pandemic response that takes one step forward on the economy, but two steps back on climate will be disastrous for young people.
“Recovery must mean a vibrant future for young people that also steps away from risky fossil fuels. This by-election is a valuable chance for people across Eden Monaro to send a message that we can’t rely on the failed approaches of the past.”
Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP said:
“People across Eden-Monaro have had a bloody tough year. After many sleepless nights fighting to save their homes and communities from the bushfires, now the local economy has been hit by the coronavirus freight train too.
“People in Eden-Monaro are now the most powerful voters in the country. This is a chance to send a message to Canberra about acting on the climate crisis and providing decent jobs, especially for young people.
“We need an investment-led recovery plan that tackles the climate crisis and coronavirus crisis while also delivering long-lasting benefits to the country. Instead, the government’s recovery plan is an insult to everyone doing it tough in Eden-Monaro.
“The government is putting lives at risk. The government’s coal- and gas-fired recovery will do nothing to put Eden-Monaro locals back into work, but will just make it more likely that bushfire seasons will get worse.
“People are still homeless after the bushfires, but instead of building houses to put a roof over their heads, Scott Morrison is funding renovations with his ‘granite benchtop grants‘ that won’t help one single person get back into their homes.
“There is a better way forward. A jobs-rich investment-led recovery will find meaningful work for more than 90% of people who are out of work in Eden-Monaro, stop people falling through the cracks and rebuild an economy that puts people first.”.
Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Mehreen Faruqi said:
“Communities in Eden-Monaro have a real opportunity to reset the political agenda, and vote for progressive change and a Green New Deal that actually works for people, not fossil-fuel vested interests.
“Constructing public and community houses will provide a permanent home for people who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, while creating jobs and apprenticeships.
“We can rebuild and recover through public investment in strengthening TAFE and universities which have been abandoned by the government. Higher education will be critical to get us through the climate crisis and the pandemic, and beyond.
“Southern NSW has been terribly affected by the summer bushfires. The crisis wrought havoc and destruction across our state. In 2020, no one can say with a straight face that we are not in a climate emergency.
“We need a huge investment to build climate resilience and plan for the future. Let’s support a just and rapid transition to 100 per cent renewable energy that can actually create tens of thousands of jobs for the future.
“The Greens have a plan to invest in our communities. We can recover from the COVID-19 crisis, rebuild after the bushfires and create thousands of jobs, including in Eden-Monaro,” she said.

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