Greens push to ban dirty political donations and restore democracy

The Greens will today introduce a bill in the Senate that will prohibit political donations from certain industries, and impose a cap on all other donations.
Greens Senate Leader and spokesperson on Democracy, Senator Larissa Waters said:
“We must put a stop to the rorts and favours for mates that are rife under the Morrison Government.
“Since 2012, the Liberal, National and Labor parties have received over one hundred million dollars from corporate donors. And we’ve seen those donors benefit from favourable policy outcomes and project approvals.
“My bill today sends a clear message – the community is fed up and our democracy should not be for sale.
“The Banning Dirty Donations Bill seeks to stop all political donations from industries with a track record of seeking to influence decisions: the mining, banking, gambling, alcohol, pharmaceutical, defence, tobacco and property development industries.
“It also caps all other donations at $3,000 per parliamentary term, so wealth doesn’t equate to influence.
“Big money should not run politics, the public interest should.
“If you want evidence of donors guiding policy, look no further than the National Covid Coordination Commission (NCCC).
“After years of receiving donations from the gas industry, the government handpicked a NCCC stacked with gas representatives. So it’s no surprise the NCCC is recommending a ‘gas-led recovery’ that benefits Commission members but will be toxic for the climate, our precious water supplies, and farmland.
“Trust in politics is at an all-time low and the best way to fix this is to stop selling our democracy to the highest bidder. The major parties should join with the Greens and help clean up politics,” Senator Waters said.

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