Labor teams up with Morrison to green light environmental destruction

Labor’s support of the Morrison Government’s plans to fast-track approvals for major projects risks permanent destruction of our environment and the future of our native wildlife, the Greens say.
Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“Labor is teaming up with the Morrison Government to green light environmental destruction.
“It is very naïve of Labor to think the process for environmental approvals won’t be shoddier as a result of this deregulation plan.
“The government has not laid out any plans to improve the standards by which these decisions will be made.
“The truth is this deregulation plan will mean corners are cut, state laws that are even weaker than the already weak federal environmental laws will apply and our environment will be worse off for the sake of corporate profits.
“The government isn’t just planning on cutting the time of assessment, it’s cutting vital checks meaning projects are approved regardless of the damage to the environment.
“Over the last 20 years only 2 per cent of projects under the EPBC Act have been knocked back. Labor’s support for the government’s plan will risk even more destruction.
“Australia has one of the worst extinction rates in the world and this shameful statistic was created on the watch of Labor and Liberal governments.
“We need stronger protections for our environment, not weaker ones. And we need a real opposition, not the Labor Party that keeps siding with environmental vandals.
“Australians will be extremely disappointed that Labor is sacrificing the environment and native animals in favour of mining profits and big developers.”

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