Defence 'the worst way' to spend $200 billion

Australian Greens Peace & Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today that buying new military technology to equip Australia for future wars was the “worst way to spend” $200 billion, especially during a pandemic.
“Hundreds of thousands of people across our community are struggling right now and are unable to access the support they need,” Steele-John said.
“Aside from investing it directly into coal, this government would be hard pressed to come up with a worse way to spend $200 billion during a global pandemic, and against the backdrop of a climate crisis.
“Casual and migrant workers, people on the DSP and carer payment and renters have all been forgotten by this government in the economic response to COVID-19 and in just a couple of months time the JobKeeper payment will cease and the rate of JobSeeker will be cut almost in half, putting even more financial stress on thousands of Australians families and businesses.
“We need a new approach to defence spending that is focused on preparing our defence forces for the impacts of climate change instead of wasting public funds on unnecessary and outdated weapons.
“For Defence MInister Linda Reynolds to double-down on this commitment now is to rub salt into the wounds of every single Australian who is struggling right now.”

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