Morrison Government must rule out killing more jobs by abolishing local content rules

The Greens are calling on the Morrison Government to rule out killing more Australian jobs by permanently abolishing local content rules and to get on with requiring streaming giants to produce Australian-made shows.
Greens Spokesperson for Communication and the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said now the consultation period for the local content options paper had closed, Minister Fletcher needed to get on with the job.
“Letting broadcasters out of local content requirements and failing to immediately regulate streaming services put the jobs of every person who works on Australian drama, documentaries and children’s TV shows from actors, to writers, to crews at risk,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
“The big wigs of streaming and broadcasting can’t be allowed to call the shots when it comes to Australian stories on our screens.
“Regulating streaming giants like Netflix, Amazon, Apple and Stan should be part of the government’s arts and entertainment industry Covid recovery package, which is woefully inadequate, and therefore treated as a matter of urgency.
”The Government can help create jobs and generate investment in the domestic market by backing requirements on the giant tech companies and streaming services. Local content requirements must also be reinstated for free-to-air broadcasters.
“Australian stories are vital for our culture and social fabric and the sustainability of our arts and entertainment industry.
“Good quality children’s content is good for the community and it creates jobs.
“The time for reviews and consultation is over. Minister Fletcher needs to come out and tell the community and the industry what he is going to do to protect Australian-made stories and jobs.”

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