Tehan childcare rules risks collapse of childcare centres: Bandt

As Melbourne goes back into stage 3 lockdowns, the Federal government is pulling the major childcare supports which played a positive role in the initial outbreak response.
Dan Tehan’s announcement of a new semi-subsidy will risk the viability of many centres who will neither be able to return to normal operations, nor collect full income if parents keep their kids at home.
“The Government is tying itself up in knots. It would be far simpler and fairer to extend free childcare after 12 July,” Greens Leader, Adam Bandt said.
“Dan Tehan has presented no evidence that free childcare shouldn’t continue, so why change it now, in such a precarious moment?”
“The safest course of action would be to extend free childcare after 12 July with a guaranteed relief payment and extend JobKeeper to all childcare workers.
“Childcare centres have had a tough time and many are on the brink. They deserve some policy consistency and certainty so that they can focus on working with health authorities to ensure safe and hygienic practices.
“I’m concerned that the Morrison government appears impatient to start withdrawing social supports that were a vital part of Australia’s largely successful efforts to flatten the curve.
“From chasing after businesses who may have been paid JobKeeper in error to cutting childcare, it looks like Scott Morrison’s instincts are wrong again, and we need another united effort to drag him over the line again,” Bandt said.

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