Backroom Labor boys doing their coal donors’ bidding

The Labor party backroom boys are pressuring Queensland’s Labor Premier to approve stage 3 of the New Acland coal mine, showing fossil fuel donors still call the shots, say the Australian Greens.
“Proving how powerful the coal mining lobby and their donations are on federal Labor, there’s now three federal Labor party MPs pushing the Premier to approve the Acland coal mine despite the mine’s approval currently being before the High Court,” said Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Senate Leader and Mining and Resources spokesperson.
“Anthony Albanese should tell his backroom boys to leave the Premier alone and wait for the High Court to do its job.
“It’s ludicrous that any political party would back more bushfire turbo-charging coal mines after the summer we faced, and as the climate crisis intensifies.
“It’s about time Labor listened to the climate science and the community, not its corporate fossil fuel donors.”
Michael Berkman, Queensland Greens MP for Maiwar and one-time lawyer for the farmers opposing the mine said that after 15 years of court cases it’s time for the Premier to listen to farmers and residents and refuse approval for New Acland Stage 3.
“The New Acland Coal Mine is vehemently opposed by local farmers, who are terrified about the impacts on water, prime farmland and their health.
“Queenslanders are sick of decisions being made in the best interests of donors, rather than the community.
“While Labor’s fighting everyday people so their coal donors can make a profit, the Greens will keep fighting for real, well-paid, sustainable jobs in tourism, education, social housing construction and publicly owned renewable energy,” concluded Mr Berkman.

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