Feds' funding for Parks shows jobs in green recovery but much more needed

The announcement by Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley today of funding for tourism and infrastructure at five natural attractions shows there are jobs in a green recovery and much more must be done to look after our environment, the Australian Greens say.
Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“Any funding from the Federal Government that goes to improving and protecting our natural world is welcome. This announcement shows there are jobs and economic stimulus in a Green Recovery.
“But to really do justice to a green jobs recovery, the Morrison Government is going to need to find a lot more money and scrap its plan to weaken environmental laws.
“The return on investment will be well worth it, not just in the creation of jobs across the country but in rehabilitating bushfire devastated areas, protecting native wildlife and restoring our iconic rivers to make them swimmable again as the Greens have proposed.
“Australians want stronger environmental protections, not weaker ones which only serve the fossil fuel industry and will undermine any green recovery efforts, including today’s announcement.
“The Environment Minister is still sitting on the interim report into the 10-year review of environmental laws, handed to her 12 days ago by the independent reviewer. If Sussan Ley wants to be taken seriously then she needs to release the interim report immediately and get on with legislating to save our endangered animals and special places in nature.”

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