Greens announce plan to boost Australia’s creative industries

The Australian Greens are announcing their policy to establish a Creativity Commission and bolster our local creative industries at this year’s Screen Forever conference.
“Our economy and our industries are rapidly changing. A creativity commission would give Australians the resources and the license to think about things differently to maximise success,” Greens arts spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“Creativity can be harnessed in everything we do, and the Arts should be at the centre of it. Our communities value the arts – it’s time to extend that across all parts of our society and economy.
“This $10 million fund will harness the soft-skills our economy will need into the future. By incorporating the Arts into STEM thinking our workforce can be both creative and competitive.
“If we are to truly adapt to a new way of working, not just locally, but globally, we must give space and funding to tap into our collective creativity.”
Senator Hanson-Young, a passionate advocate for Australian film and television, also announced the Greens’ policy to bolster local content creation.
“There is no limit to creativity in Australia, yet our producers, artists and talent are limited by the ebb and flow international markets and commercial broadcasters’ disinterest in good local content. We need consistent investment for people to get a foothold in creative industries and be able to stay there.
“If the big commercial broadcasters have their way, local content requirements for children’s television will be abolished and Australian-made drama will be cut, which would have a devastating ripple effect on the production sector.
“Australians deserve to have their stories told, and their communities reflected back to them on screen. Not only that, but it helps Australia engage with the rest of the world, while providing a lucrative export.
“A creative Australia is something our nation can be proud of at home and abroad. In this ever-increasingly globally connected world, the soft diplomacy great Australian content – and children’s content – can foster is a win-win.
“We export so much world-class content. We have huge names starring in major roles around the world. This is the time to invest in our creative industries to see just how far we could go.”

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