Greens welcome Liberal Minister’s comments and call on Labor to join the fight.

The Greens have welcomed the intervention from NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean who has broken ranks today with the Federal Government over plans to weaken environment laws.  The Greens Environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young called on the Federal Labor Party to rule out supporting the Morrison Government’s fast-track legislation that puts the environment at further risk.
“Minister Matt Kean is to be congratulated for standing up for the environment and calling out his Federal Liberal colleagues,” Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said today.
“Our environment is in crisis, habitat loss and wildlife extinction is growing. What we need is better and stronger protection for our environment, not less. Yet, the Morrison Government is trying to use the cover of Covid19 to rush through new rules that make it easier to green-light damaging and polluting projects, like new mines and big developments.
“Minister Kean has called a spade a spade; good on him.
“Our environment is under attack. Scott Morrison’s plans mean more logging, more pollution and less clean water – we must fight this, together.
“The Labor Party needs to rethink playing footsie with Scott Morrison on the environment. It’s time they stood with the Greens to protect our natural heritage and native animals properly.
“We need strong laws that protect and help restore our environment and wildlife, and an independent watchdog, with teeth, because it’s clear that the Government cannot be trusted to stand up for environment against their mining and big developer mates.
“Australians deserve better than political parties that want to play short-term politics with the future of our environment. We need strong laws and a cop on the beat to enforce them – anything less and even our koalas will be extinct.

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