Greens say Education Minister Must Not Ditch University Sexual Assault Taskforce

The Australian Greens have called on the Education Minister to not ditch a proposed university sexual assault taskforce . Fairfax Media has revealed that the taskforce was close to being announced by former Minister Birmingham, but has since been put on hold by Minister Tehan.
Australian Greens Education Spokesperson said:
“For the Minister to effectively ditch a taskforce on such an important issue is offensive and shows he has no understanding of the very real issue of sexual assault and harrassment on university campuses. The taskforce is ready and waiting to go, why is the Minister blocking this crucial accountability measure.
“Minister Tehan would rather stand up for denialists of campus rape culture like Bettina Arndt than for students who have been working in good faith with the Government over the last few years.
“All the key players understand the need for an institutional change in culture to protect women in universities. The Minister must admit he was wrong and allow the taskforce to proceed as planned” she concluded.
Australian Greens Spokesperson for the Status of Women, Senator Larissa Waters, said:
“What a blow for women’s safety on campus that the Morrison coup has led to shelving an important reform to keep women safe.
“Women shouldn’t have to run the gauntlet of sexual assault and harassment to gain an education.
“The Morrison Government should immediately progress the taskforce and ensure universities and residences are held to account when it comes to ending rape on campus.
“The safety of women on university campuses shouldn’t be neglected because of Liberal Party ministerial musical chairs.”

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